Friday, 5 February 2010

Free iPhone app

For a free copy of our iPhone app on the day it's released all you need to do is sign up to follow us on Twitter (click on the link to the right of this post), and when it's released RT (retweet) our launch tweet to your followers, and we'll send you a promotional code to download a free copy of the app.

You need to follow us as soon as possible, as the app could be released at any time, and as soon as it's available we'll do a launch tweet, and it will be too late to sign up then - don't let that happen to you!!


Update 9th Feb --------
We're very sorry, but what Apple don't tell you about promotional codes until you look deep into the support docs is that they're only available for the US store. So we can't give them out to our friends in the UK, but feel free to retweet us if you're in the US, and we'll send you over a code

1 comment:

  1. Ooh that's a really good idea! It might be worth buying an iPhone just to get the free app?
